Welcome to the ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference - China

ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference TURC 2023 will be held in Wuhan from July 28 to 30, 2023. The conference was chaired by Vinton Cerf, the father of the Internet, and academician Mei Hong, chairman of the China Computer Federation, and Cheng Yongwen, mayor of Wuhan, and academician Zhang Pingwen, president of Wuhan University, as co-chairs. The conference centered on the theme of "Artificial General Intelligence, Human-Machine Symbiosis", domestic and foreign academic experts and professors, including ACM Turing Award winners, share their views on cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence, and discuss the future of computing science.

Chairman of Academic Steering Committee

Vinton Cerf

ACM Turing Award Laureate
The Father of Internet
Chairman of ACM

Hong Mei

Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences Chairman of ACM China Academic advisory Committee
Chairman of CCF

Keynotes of ACM TURC

Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

ACM Turing Award Laureate
Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

ACM Turing Award Laureate
Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

John Hopcroft

ACM Turing Award Laureate

John Hopcroft

ACM Turing Award Laureate

Song-Chun Zhu

The dean of the Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence

Song-Chun Zhu

The dean of the Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence

Hao Yin

Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Hao Yin

Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Weinan E

Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Weinan E

Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Hong Qiao

Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Hong Qiao

Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

David Mumford

Fields Medal Winner

David Mumford

Fields Medal Winner


Mr. Shang Xin

Vice President of JD Group
Chairman of JD Retail Technology Committee.

Mr. Shang Xin

Vice President of JD Group
Chairman of JD Retail Technology Committee.

WANG Haifeng

Chief Technology Officer of Baidu
Director of the National Engineering Research Center of Deep Learning Technology and Application

WANG Haifeng

Chief Technology Officer of Baidu
Director of the National Engineering Research Center of Deep Learning Technology and Application


IEEE Fellow


IEEE Fellow

Zhang Dixuan

President, Ascend Computing Business, Huawei

Zhang Dixuan

President, Ascend Computing Business, Huawei

ACM SIG China特邀报告

Wu Li

Director of the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning at Beijing Normal University Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

Bo Zheng

CTO of Alimama & Xianyu

Yaodong Yang

Assistant Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Peking University

Di He

Assistant Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at Peking University

Wei Wang

Head of the Cognitive and Reasoning Laboratory at the Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence

Hangxin Liu

Co-Chair of the Research Center at the Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence

Chi Zhang

Research Scientist at the Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence

Xinwei Sun

Associate Researcher at Fudan University

Xin Jin

Associate Professor at Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute

Fangwei Zhong

Boya Postdoctoral Fellow at Peking University

Yanbiao Duan

Beijing Winsense Technology Co., Ltd. CTO

Yulong Wan

OPPO Director of the Department for Intelligent Interaction

Lili Qiu

Assistant managing director of Microsoft Research Asia

Xue Wang

Vice Dean of the Department of Precision Instrument and the State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurements Technology and Instruments, Tsinghua University

Bo Li

Chair Professor of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Jiajia Liu

Senior Standard Director of IEEE China

Chenyang Lu

Washington University in St. Louis Fullgraf Professor

Guoliang Xing

Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Zhijun Li

Professor at harbin institute of technology

Zheng Yang

Associate Professor at Tsinghua University

Ting Cao

Principal Researcher/Research Manager, MSR

Yuanchao Shu

Qiushi Professor, Zhejiang University

Zhenyu Yan

Research Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dongyao Chen

Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Chengzhong Xu

Professor of University of Macau

Dapeng Wu

Professor of City University of Hong Kong

Xiaohua Jia

Professor of City University of Hong Kong

Tian He


Yanyong Zhang

Professor of University of Science and Technology of China

Ennan Zhai

Alibaba Cloud

Joe Turner

Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at Clemson University

Nancy Mead

Professor of Software Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University

John Impagliazzo

Professor of Computer Science, Hofstra University

Fei Wu

Professor at Zhejiang University

Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas

Professor of Latin American Center for Computing Studies (CLEI), Peru

Jie Zhang

Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Peking University

Zhirong Shen

Associate Professor of Computer Science at Xiamen University

Youhui Bai

Researcher at Huawei Central Research Institute

Yutong Liu

Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
